I have an affinity for fog. Which is a good thing, considering how common it is in Belgium. When we arrived in country, we had to install fog lamps on our cars (or “ze frog lamps” as we understood the heavily accented Belgian explaining things to us). I find foggy days strangely comforting. The world …

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“For us to go to Italy and to penetrate into Italy is like a most fascinating act of self-discovery.” – D.H. Lawrence (writer) In June, we packed up our life once again, this time setting in Belgium. After three years living in the mayhem of Rome, it is a welcome change. Unlike Shelley, Keats, Goethe, …

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What is it that creates a home when home is continuously changing? It is the sense of comfort, the material safety of being surrounded by the things and people who provide continuity from one place to another. In Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie, she remarks that “it was nice to be living in a …

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August marked the one year anniversary of our move from Germany to Italy. The first year was a good year, but it was not a great year. I frequently found myself feeling lost, overwhelmed, and incompetent. I should really read my own blog more. It wasn’t until someone left a comment on a post I …

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Friday Photo: Change

October 2, 2015

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different…”  C. S. Lewis

Change. So much is held in this one small word. One word that can simultaneously represent fear, excitement, anxiety, anticipation, dread, happiness, sadness, gain, and loss. They are found in each passing year, season, day, each moment. Some slip quietly by, unnoticed. Others immediately alter your world. Change is a challenge, change is an opportunity. It is an inevitability that is always just around the next corner. This week, the them of the WordPress photo challenge is Change. I thought for this challenge I would share just a few pictures from a handful of the places I’ve called home over the years. Home, a constant for many, is an ever-changing entity for my family. For us, change is all of those emotions, and more. Change is home.

You can see more Change here.



Have you ever had that trip? You know, the one where everything that could go wrong did? That was our recent trip to Frankfurt am Main. It actually started several months earlier, when we were applying for new passports. These are, by the way, our third set of officially issued passports – simultaneously held, and no, …

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It was five long summers ago when we left the comfortable familiarity of the US for unknown adventures of life in Europe. We didn’t know what to expect, how could we? We stepped out of the airport in Stuttgart, and suddenly everything was different. Three summers later we exchanged our address in Baden Württemberg for …

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I am preparing for my 21st move. Since graduating high school, I have changed my address 20 times, for durations ranging from 3 months to three years. For reasons ranging from school, to work, to deployments, to marriage, I have packed up my belongings, changed addresses and started a new life. In just three short …

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Friday Photos: Intricate

May 8, 2015

The photo challenge this week at WordPress takes a look at what Intricate means.

As you may know from earlier posts, we are moving this summer. Planning a move naturally involves keeping track of multiple details, but when you are planning a move to another country, and working in three languages, planning becomes more Intricate.

This week, instead of choosing an old photo to suit the theme, I thought I would try to take a new photo to capture the essence of what Intricate means to me at this moment in time. It is the intricate balance of old and new. It is standing with one foot in the present and one in the future. It is trying to do all of these things in more than one language. It is the Intricate process of preparing to transition cultures.

Stop by WordPress and learn how others are interpreting the meaning of Intricate.