One thing you quickly learn about living in Germany, is that there is no shortage of fests. People here celebrate everything. Of course you have Oktoberfest and the Christmas markets, but you also have fests for vegetables, fests for fountains, fests for saints, fests for wursts, fests for seasons, and fests for strong beer just …

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Friday Photos: Depth

February 6, 2015

I thought I would take a walk in the woods for this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge, Depth. Here in the forest, you find the depths of silence. The depths of solitude. It is a place of reflection, putting you in touch with the depths of emotion. Within the forest, stands a tree, set slightly apart from the others. This tree contains the sentiment of the changing seasons. It’s branches hold elements of sadness and despair, of  hope and joy, and the promise of changes yet to come.

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You can find many other lovely interpretations of the word here.


Travel Theme: Doorways

February 1, 2015

Although I love to get out and explore new places, sometimes I find it just as rewarding to revisit the places you see every day. In my favorite corner of my town, there is a church. I have been in and out of this particular church on multiple occasions. Recently, I brought my camera to capture some of my favorite places in this corner of the city. As I was walking through the doors, I noticed the light shining through. The travel theme this week at “Where’s my backpack” is Doorways. Stop by and take a look at some of the other doorways fellow travelers have happened upon.